Meet your founder and fellow survivor!
Hello. My name is Tamika, and I too, am a survivor of domestic violence. I met my abuser when I was 29 years old with 2 small children. I was with him for almost 3 years before we had that final incident where I almost lost my life and realized it was time for me to get myself out before it was too late. Once I made it out it was such a struggle to start all over again. Keeping a job became almost impossible due the levels of harassment and stalking he would perform at my workplace. But I had a family that I had to provide for so I was forced to depend on myself. The only ray of light that came from that whole situation was that it made me into the woman I am today. An independent, successful and confident business woman who knows her self-worth and demands her respect in the business world. I started a virtual adiministrative group that has obtained contracts with clients from CPA firms to pharmaceutical companies and more! I was able to purchase my first home back in 2021 and I am now able to start this nonproft organization to help other victims and their families who are in the same shoes that I have been in. I firmly believe that every woman has her breaking point and every woman gets tired of being sick and tired. When that happens and you are ready for that fresh start, BROKEN SPIRITS will be here to help you and your family pick up the pieces, every step of the way.